Solar PV Panel FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is your question about?

Top 10 FAQs
Solar Panels
Solar Panel Installations
The Feed-in Tariff
Solar Inverters
Monitoring Systems
Mounting Systems




For more in-depth answers to any of the questions below or if you have any additional questions please Contact Cambridge Solar.


Top 10 FAQs

  1. Is my house suitable for solar panels?
  2. Which are the best solar panels?
  3. Will I need planning permission for installing solar panels?
  4. What is the feed-in tariff?
  5. How well do solar panels work in the UK?
  6. What does a solar inverter do?
  7. How long does a solar panel installation take?
  8. How many panels do I need?
  9. How long do solar panel systems last?
  10. What are the main benefits of installing solar panels?

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Solar Panels

What does Solar PV mean?

What are photovoltaic cells?

How much do solar panels cost?

What types of solar panels are there?

How do solar panels work?

Can I buy cheap solar panels?

What are the cheapest solar panels?

What are the best solar panels?

What are the most expencive solar panels?

Do solar panels produce hot water?

How long do solar panels last?

Can you buy solar panels that are all black?

Can you install solar panels on slate roofs?

What are the most efficient solar panels?

What solar panels produce the most electricity?

Are solar panels worth it?

Are free solar panels worth installing?

Are solar panels a good investment?

What is the energy payback for solar panels?

How do I choose between different solar panels?

Do solar panels have to face south?

Do solar panels need direct sunlight?

Do solar panels work in the UK?

Can I install solar panels on a north facing roof?

Can solar panels be installed facing different directions?

How do I know if my solar panels are working?

How do I choose a solar panel installer?

Who is the best solar panel installer?

Are Chinese solar panels any good?

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The Solar Panel Installation

How do you size solar panels for a house or building?

What do I need in order to install solar panels?

Can I install solar panels myself?

How many solar panels will fit on my roof?

Is my house suitable for solar panels?

What gets installed?

Do I need planning permission to install solar panels?

Do I need an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) to install solar panels?

What is an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)?

What is SAP?

How does SAP work?

If I live in a conservation area can I install solar panels?

What is the smallest solar panel installation I can install?

What is the largest solar panel installation I can install?

My roof is shaded - what effect will this have on the solar panels?

Can I install solar panels on a flat roof?

How many solar panel installations are there in the UK?

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Feed-in Tariff

What is the Feed-in Tariff?

How does the feed-in tariff work?

Can I sell my electricity back to the grid?

How do I get paid the feed-in tariff?

How much can I get paid from installing solar panels?

Have the feed-in tariffs been cut?

What is the current feed-in tariff rate?

When is the feed-in tariff being reduced again?

How do I sell electricity back to the grid?

How do I find my electricity suppliers feed-in tariff form?

Does my electricity supplier buy my electricity?

Can I keep use all of my electricity?

Is it better to export all of my electricity or to use it all myself?

Is the feed-in tariff guaranteed?

Is the feed-in tariff index linked?

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The Solar Inverter

What is a solar inverter?

What is the best solar inverter?

Which solar inverter is most efficient?

How do I choose between different solar inverters?

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Monitoring Systems

What is a solar monitoring system?

Can I monitor my solar panels remotely?

What is the best way of monitoring solar panels?

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Mounting Systems

What is a solar panel mounting system?

What types of solar panel mounting systems are there?

What is the best way of mounting solar panels?

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