01223 863 885

Renewable Energy Advice

Which renewable energy is best for me?

If you aren’t sure which renewable energy technology is best for you, don’t worry, Cambridge Solar is here to help you make that decision by providing you with all of the information you need.

Call Cambridge Solar today on {businessPhone1}
Fill in Cambridge Solar's online enquiry form
Email Cambridge Solar today on info@cambridge-solar.co.uk

Remember that domestic customers are eligable for a Free Domestic Consultation.

Cambridge Solar can advise on the renewable energy resource available at your site, the financial rewards your system will be elligable for, financial savings you will make, energy savings you will make, your carbon footprint reduction, installation implications and more. We will help you by:

  1. Taking you through your options giving you an idea of what kind of systems could be installed at your property.

  2. We will also explain the benefits of the different kinds of system and how much energy you could save or how much financial reward you could achieve.

  3. You can then select the technology, or technologies you would like to move ahead with.

  4. We can then arrange a site visit, send you a detailed proposal, and when you are ready move ahead with the installation.

What next?

  1. Contact us using our Enquiry Form or call us on {businessPhone1}

  2. Read our online Guide to Microgeneration to find out more about the different technology options available.

  3. Read our online Guide to the Renewable Energy Tariffs to find out more about making money from renewable energy