Environmental Policy
Cambridge Solar Environmental Policy
Cambridge Solar is committed to:
Increasing the uptake of renewable energy in the UK
Minimising energy use wherever possible and using our professional position to promote reduction in energy use
Ensuring that wherever possible materials we use can be and are recycled
Being a responsible employer
Ensuring that all of our business operations comply with or exceed current legislation
Minimising the use of new products where unnecessary
Minimising the production of waste as far as possible and ensuring that waste is disposed of in an environmentally friendly way
Ensuring that all materials purchased by the company are, as far as possible, environmentally friendly and ethically sourced
Continuously improving our environmental performance
We do this by:
Using 100% renewable electricity
Following a policy of reduce, reuse, recycle
Reducing waste as far as possible
Reusing products where possible
Recycling products when they have reached the end of their useful life
Keeping our energy consumption to a minimum
Using low energy products
Cycling and using public transport where appropriate (and when weather allows!)
We don’t run company cars