01223 863 885

Free Domestic Consultation

Which renewable energy technology are you interested in?

Solar PV - for electricity. Sell your electricity back to the grid and make money from the feed-in tariffs
Solar Thermal - for hot water. Reduce your energy bills and your carbon foot print.
Wind Turbine - Sell electricity bakc to the grid and make money from the feed-in tariffs
Combination of Renewable Energy Technologies - Renewable energy technologies often compement each other
I don't know yet - which renewable energy technology is best for me? We can advise on which microgeneration technology is best for you be it solar PV, solar thermal or wind turbines

For information about our non-domestic renewable energy consultancy please visit our Professional Services page or contact us via our Enquiry Form.

At Cambridge Solar we offer our domestic customers a free renewable energy consultation in order to help you decide what technology is best for you and your property. For more information on the service please click here.


If you would like a free renewable enegry consultation please call us today on {businessPhone1}. You can also email us at info@cambridge-solar.co.uk or fill in our online enquiry form.